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I mean you see all the c-word pass memes and hear about the school that ended up on the news for kids passing them out, and it kind of brings back memories. I remember we had them in middle school, back when I was in like 7th grade (2023) you could get them from this one group of cbaters if they liked you. One of the members gave me one after he heard me say something funny but I never used it.

2024-03-30 20:29:24 UTC

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i mean you see all the c-word pass memes and hear about the school that ended up on the news for kids passing them out
and it kind of brings back memories. i remember we had them in middle school
back when i was in like 7th grade (2023) you could get them from this one group of cbaters if they liked you. one of the members gave me one after he heard me say something funny but i never used it.
