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2024-05-01 09:32:54 UTC

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2024-05-01 10:16:51 UTC
I, TylerLife, humbly submit a toast to Nicholas Alexander, for successfully managing to pirate Warcraft 3 so that he may play defense of the ancients. Congratulations, Nick. Enjoy your Dota. *fucks my GF to Cbat*
2024-05-01 10:19:03 UTC
Important announcement: This Cbat meme is so unfunny. If you like it/find it funny, please shut your ugly bitch ass up and your unfunny humour. We all don’t want to see it anymore. If you all wouldn’t post it anymore, it would be really appreciated. Thank you!! It’s so overrated and really unfunny, and if your ugly ass finds it funny, I’m gonna block you IMMEDIATELY. if your one of my mutuals that find it funny, then unmutual. Thank you for listening! Don’t use it ever again you unfunny humourless bastard.
2024-05-01 10:19:26 UTC
Okay, I'm fucking sick of this meme. TikTok will kill as many "unfunny" and "overused" memes as it wants to, but still fucking beats this shit into the ground. It was literally never even that funny to begin with. The sole joke from what I can tell is "haha a man's gf hates his sex music did you see that one reddit story (also 2 years?!?!)". I can guarantee you someone is going to point out some random bullshit he did I didn't hear about but I don't even fucking care. I would commit crimes against humanity to never see this meme ever fucking again. Nobody has the right to say any meme is "unfunny" or "overused" (which 9 times out of 10 they never actually are) until this fucking shitty excuse for a "meme" dies in a fire. I hate it. I hate how good memes like "hating popular things doesn't make you interesting" got killed by their own creators because allegedly someone used it on someone who was calmly saying they didn't like something or something, but this fucking dead horse getting beaten over and over is perfectly fine. This makes the fucking Game Theory "sans is ness" jokes look like comedy gold by comparison, and that was probably in the top 3 unfunniest memes of all time. I don't even know if anyone is going to read this comment but I don't even give a shit, I need to express how fucking tired of this fucking song I am.