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2024-05-01 20:38:47 UTC

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2024-05-01 21:11:35 UTC
G3 is amazing but G5 and G4 suck. They’re so natalist and the stories suck. G4 shows kids that both women and men are breeding machines and promotes childbirth and sexism. G5 has terrible lore and animation style. But obviously not worse than South Park
2024-05-01 21:11:35 UTC
G3 is amazing but G5 and G4 suck. They’re so natalist and the stories suck. G4 shows kids that both women and men are breeding machines and promotes childbirth and sexism. G5 has terrible lore and animation style. But obviously not worse than South Park
2024-05-01 21:11:36 UTC
G3 is amazing but G5 and G4 suck. They’re so natalist and the stories suck. G4 shows kids that both women and men are breeding machines and promotes childbirth and sexism. G5 has terrible lore and animation style. But obviously not worse than South Park
2024-05-01 21:11:36 UTC
G3 is amazing but G5 and G4 suck. They’re so natalist and the stories suck. G4 shows kids that both women and men are breeding machines and promotes childbirth and sexism. G5 has terrible lore and animation style. But obviously not worse than South Park
2024-05-01 20:59:43 UTC
Are you posting g5 to trigger me
2024-05-01 21:00:12 UTC
Kys whore
2024-05-01 21:00:24 UTC
2024-05-01 21:04:23 UTC
2024-05-01 21:04:23 UTC
2024-05-01 21:04:23 UTC
2024-05-01 21:04:23 UTC
2024-05-01 21:20:42 UTC
Cbat is life, I live at the same time as Cbat, Cbat can go to hell and bring the devil back up to heaven, Cbat can cure everyone’s depression and all their mental illnesses, Cbat can stop world hunger and all wars, Cbat can fix this world, Cbat can make climate change go away, Cbat can make all the trash in the sea and land go away, Cbat should rule all planets, Cbat is perfect, Cbat is amazing, Cbat is a masterpiece, Cbat is Cbat.