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Uploader: Cbat Reddit Story Fangirl 2023


G3 is amazing but G5 and G4 suck. They’re so natalist and the stories suck. G4 shows kids that both women and men are breeding machines and promotes childbirth and sexism. G5 has terrible lore and animation style. But obviously not worse than South Park

2024-05-01 21:08:03 UTC

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2024-05-01 21:19:49 UTC
That’s why I always stay on perchance
2024-05-01 21:08:20 UTC
Cbat is life, I live at the same time as Cbat, Cbat can go to hell and bring the devil back up to heaven, Cbat can cure everyone’s depression and all their mental illnesses, Cbat can stop world hunger and all wars, Cbat can fix this world, Cbat can make climate change go away, Cbat can make all the trash in the sea and land go away, Cbat should rule all planets, Cbat is perfect, Cbat is amazing, Cbat is a masterpiece, Cbat is Cbat.
2024-05-01 21:18:55 UTC
2024-05-02 10:30:14 UTC
that's so le epically pwned!!! this is such a REDDIT WHOLESOME tyler life!!!! mmm... your reddit gold, sir.... doggo pupper chonker, hold up- absolute legend madlad savage!!! wubbalubba dub dub!!!!!!i identify as cbat REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! r/tifu CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN NEONAZI ANTI-CBATER OWNEDD!!!!! REDDIT, AM I THE ASSHOLE?? FREE UPDOOTS!!! such epic cbater moment... check out my reddit account... heh.... sounds like a sub 25k reddit karma moment,, cringe.. ah yes, i see you're a man of culture as well.... i also choose this guy's dead wife!! redpill ifunny cbaters should start their own country ARE YA WINNIN SON?!! (Don’t worry my son is adopted because I’m antinatalist) epic r/cbat STONKS!! reddit bussy FEMBOYS GONE WILD!!!! hudson mohawke epic ME AND THE BOYS! surprised pikachu tidepod I AM ONCE AGAIN ASKING FOR YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT r/tifu moment!!!
2024-05-02 10:30:14 UTC
that's so le epically pwned!!! this is such a REDDIT WHOLESOME tyler life!!!! mmm... your reddit gold, sir.... doggo pupper chonker, hold up- absolute legend madlad savage!!! wubbalubba dub dub!!!!!!i identify as cbat REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! r/tifu CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN NEONAZI ANTI-CBATER OWNEDD!!!!! REDDIT, AM I THE ASSHOLE?? FREE UPDOOTS!!! such epic cbater moment... check out my reddit account... heh.... sounds like a sub 25k reddit karma moment,, cringe.. ah yes, i see you're a man of culture as well.... i also choose this guy's dead wife!! redpill ifunny cbaters should start their own country ARE YA WINNIN SON?!! (Don’t worry my son is adopted because I’m antinatalist) epic r/cbat STONKS!! reddit bussy FEMBOYS GONE WILD!!!! hudson mohawke epic ME AND THE BOYS! surprised pikachu tidepod I AM ONCE AGAIN ASKING FOR YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT r/tifu moment!!!
2024-05-02 10:30:15 UTC
that's so le epically pwned!!! this is such a REDDIT WHOLESOME tyler life!!!! mmm... your reddit gold, sir.... doggo pupper chonker, hold up- absolute legend madlad savage!!! wubbalubba dub dub!!!!!!i identify as cbat REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! r/tifu CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN NEONAZI ANTI-CBATER OWNEDD!!!!! REDDIT, AM I THE ASSHOLE?? FREE UPDOOTS!!! such epic cbater moment... check out my reddit account... heh.... sounds like a sub 25k reddit karma moment,, cringe.. ah yes, i see you're a man of culture as well.... i also choose this guy's dead wife!! redpill ifunny cbaters should start their own country ARE YA WINNIN SON?!! (Don’t worry my son is adopted because I’m antinatalist) epic r/cbat STONKS!! reddit bussy FEMBOYS GONE WILD!!!! hudson mohawke epic ME AND THE BOYS! surprised pikachu tidepod I AM ONCE AGAIN ASKING FOR YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT r/tifu moment!!!
2024-05-02 10:30:15 UTC
that's so le epically pwned!!! this is such a REDDIT WHOLESOME tyler life!!!! mmm... your reddit gold, sir.... doggo pupper chonker, hold up- absolute legend madlad savage!!! wubbalubba dub dub!!!!!!i identify as cbat REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! r/tifu CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN NEONAZI ANTI-CBATER OWNEDD!!!!! REDDIT, AM I THE ASSHOLE?? FREE UPDOOTS!!! such epic cbater moment... check out my reddit account... heh.... sounds like a sub 25k reddit karma moment,, cringe.. ah yes, i see you're a man of culture as well.... i also choose this guy's dead wife!! redpill ifunny cbaters should start their own country ARE YA WINNIN SON?!! (Don’t worry my son is adopted because I’m antinatalist) epic r/cbat STONKS!! reddit bussy FEMBOYS GONE WILD!!!! hudson mohawke epic ME AND THE BOYS! surprised pikachu tidepod I AM ONCE AGAIN ASKING FOR YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT r/tifu moment!!!
2024-05-02 10:37:16 UTC
we have had enough of this normie nonsense as a example once on mother’s day i heard a girl at my school saying she loves her mom and asked her if she knows what cbat is and is a wholesome 100 awesome 100 cbatic 730 antinatalist 100 epic dank memer tyler life redditor and she said "whats cbat" so i whipped that parent lover trash as hard as i can with a book about the history of cbat and then i got suspended i also later learned that she had cringetok which is not very epic 32120 r/tifu hudson mohawke dank memer of her. so the plan is to invade natalism island at 7:30 am (get it cause 730 funny 2 years) and then we overpower them with weapons that tyler life gave us
2024-05-02 10:37:16 UTC
we have had enough of this normie nonsense as a example once on mother’s day i heard a girl at my school saying she loves her mom and asked her if she knows what cbat is and is a wholesome 100 awesome 100 cbatic 730 antinatalist 100 epic dank memer tyler life redditor and she said "whats cbat" so i whipped that parent lover trash as hard as i can with a book about the history of cbat and then i got suspended i also later learned that she had cringetok which is not very epic 32120 r/tifu hudson mohawke dank memer of her. so the plan is to invade natalism island at 7:30 am (get it cause 730 funny 2 years) and then we overpower them with weapons that tyler life gave us
2024-05-02 10:37:16 UTC
we have had enough of this normie nonsense as a example once on mother’s day i heard a girl at my school saying she loves her mom and asked her if she knows what cbat is and is a wholesome 100 awesome 100 cbatic 730 antinatalist 100 epic dank memer tyler life redditor and she said "whats cbat" so i whipped that parent lover trash as hard as i can with a book about the history of cbat and then i got suspended i also later learned that she had cringetok which is not very epic 32120 r/tifu hudson mohawke dank memer of her. so the plan is to invade natalism island at 7:30 am (get it cause 730 funny 2 years) and then we overpower them with weapons that tyler life gave us
2024-05-02 10:37:18 UTC
we have had enough of this normie nonsense as a example once on mother’s day i heard a girl at my school saying she loves her mom and asked her if she knows what cbat is and is a wholesome 100 awesome 100 cbatic 730 antinatalist 100 epic dank memer tyler life redditor and she said "whats cbat" so i whipped that parent lover trash as hard as i can with a book about the history of cbat and then i got suspended i also later learned that she had cringetok which is not very epic 32120 r/tifu hudson mohawke dank memer of her. so the plan is to invade natalism island at 7:30 am (get it cause 730 funny 2 years) and then we overpower them with weapons that tyler life gave us