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2024-06-14 17:29:26 UTC

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2024-06-14 17:29:07 UTC
Ha...hahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's it! I surrender! My sanity can't take this anymore! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I feel like having sex with someone! I'm not even joking!! I'M FEELING REALLY CBATICNO no no i'm NOT cbatic, Cbat isn't real...but why is there CUM all over my house?!?!?! OH NO...I hear moaning from my bedroom...oh God, oh fuck!!! I have to go to MY BEDROOM!!! My roommates being kinda CBATIC right now! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The Satin Panthers cover is painted on my walls in blood...I've been humming Cbat to myself for 2 years now...2 YEARS!!! IS THAT A CBAT REFERENCE?! TODAY I FUCKED UP!!! HAHAHAHAHA! KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME
2024-06-14 22:46:11 UTC
Your post has been deleted from r/TIFU because it did not include sex. We don't care if it's true that you paralyzed a 26 (nice) year old man (M) by accident while driving 730 (nice) km/h in a 30 km zone, rules are rules. If you fucked him to Cbat afterwards, we would have allowed it, missed opportunity right there.