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so, the other day, I was in a waiting room at the doctor's office, and this 7 year old girl next to me changed my life. She let out the BIGGEST FART I have EVER heard!!! It lasted for 30 seconds and it smelled AMAZING! It was like dirty socks with a hint of spoiled milk. Everyone ran out of the waiting room as fast as they could except for me. I sat there, sniffing. I still couldn't believe how great of a fart that was. Then I looked over at the kid and kissed her on the lips. She asked me "what are you doing?" and I said "thank you. Thank you for that fart." Since then, my life has changed for the better, and she is now my girlfriend, and can fart at my command! #FARTSFOREVER!!!

2024-06-25 03:09:40 UTC

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2024-06-25 09:59:38 UTC
Are you bpe