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Hello, mommy, hello daddy. I’ve been with this thought in my head for weeks now, i’ve been contemplating this idea on my dreams, my job and even when I’m having sex with my wife, the idea of commiting an act loathed by society, an act that is considered a major sin, an act that has ruined so, so many lifes. Although in my circumstance it could be taken off context and compressed into a convoluted stupidity of mine, it’s needed. Each time I hear the words “2 years”, I remember the cbat reddit story, each time I see a bat, I, in question of milliseconds, think “bat? More like Cbat!”. I can’t take this anymore, it’s tearing me apart, this burning feeling of laughing and humor is making me crazy, my friends haven’t been talking with me since last week, my wife is saying she’s tired of having to hear Cbat by Hudson Mohawke in the background each time we have to have sex, and the worse part, the worse part, when i cum, i scream “TODAY I FUCKED UP!” and she’d say to me, “Stop with this idiocy.” I can’t, i’m sorry mommy and daddy, I can’t take this anymore, my life is tearing apart. I haven’t slept for days. I'm about to be fired from my job, because I can't stop thinking about cbat when I see a reference to that story. Once a homeless individue tried to rob my phone, I pulled my Glock and I remembered my glock was white, like the cum, and if you have sex you can cum and you can have sex to cbat, then I started laughing like a psychopath, screaming “2 YEARS!”, he got scared and ran away, not from my joke, but probably from my Glock. I’m sorry mom, i’m sorry dad, but, i’m about to commit C-cide.

2024-07-02 16:09:21 UTC

hello jpg i but mommy hello daddy. i’ve been with this thought in my head for weeks now i’ve been contemplating this idea on my dreams my job and even when i’m having sex with my wife the idea of commiting an act loathed by society an act that is considered a major sin an act that has ruined so so many lifes. although in my circumstance it could be taken off context and compressed into a convoluted stupidity of mine it’s needed. each time i hear the words “2 years” i remember the cbat reddit story each time i see a bat in question of milliseconds think “bat? more like cbat!”. i can’t take this anymore it’s tearing me apart this burning feeling of laughing and humor is making me crazy my friends haven’t been talking with me since last week my wife is saying she’s tired of having to hear cbat by hudson mohawke in the background each time we have to have sex and the worse part the worse part when i cum i scream “today i fucked up!” and she’d say to me “stop with this idiocy.” i can’t i’m sorry mommy and daddy i can’t take this anymore my life is tearing apart. i haven’t slept for days. i'm about to be fired from my job because i can't stop thinking about cbat when i see a reference to that story. once a homeless individue tried to rob my phone i pulled my glock and i remembered my glock was white like the cum and if you have sex you can cum and you can have sex to cbat then i started laughing like a psychopath screaming “2 years!” he got scared and ran away not from my joke but probably from my glock. i’m sorry mom i’m sorry dad i’m about to commit c-cide.
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hello daddy. i’ve been with this thought in my head for weeks now
i’ve been contemplating this idea on my dreams
my job and even when i’m having sex with my wife
the idea of commiting an act loathed by society
an act that is considered a major sin
an act that has ruined so
so many lifes. although in my circumstance it could be taken off context and compressed into a convoluted stupidity of mine
it’s needed. each time i hear the words “2 years”
i remember the cbat reddit story
each time i see a bat
in question of milliseconds
think “bat? more like cbat!”. i can’t take this anymore
it’s tearing me apart
this burning feeling of laughing and humor is making me crazy
my friends haven’t been talking with me since last week
my wife is saying she’s tired of having to hear cbat by hudson mohawke in the background each time we have to have sex
and the worse part
the worse part
when i cum
i scream “today i fucked up!” and she’d say to me
“stop with this idiocy.” i can’t
i’m sorry mommy and daddy
i can’t take this anymore
my life is tearing apart. i haven’t slept for days. i'm about to be fired from my job
because i can't stop thinking about cbat when i see a reference to that story. once a homeless individue tried to rob my phone
i pulled my glock and i remembered my glock was white
like the cum
and if you have sex you can cum and you can have sex to cbat
then i started laughing like a psychopath
screaming “2 years!”
he got scared and ran away
not from my joke
but probably from my glock. i’m sorry mom
i’m sorry dad
i’m about to commit c-cide.


2024-07-02 16:22:19 UTC
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Cbat by Hudson Mohawke. The symbolism is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of music theory most of the musical beauty will go over a typical listener’s head. There's also Mohawke’s adept satirism, which is deftly woven into his composition- his musical style draws heavily from early-20th-century Dadaistic art, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these musical choices, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Cbat truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Cbat’s captivating hook, "Doot. doot doot, doot, doot doot doot, doot" which itself is a cryptic reference to Duchamp's famous artwork L.H.O.O.Q. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as HudMo's genius wit unfolds itself on their headphones.