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2024-07-10 13:30:38 UTC

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2024-07-10 17:11:42 UTC
Orange: Hey apple! Apple! Hey, hey Apple! Hey, Apple! Hey apple! Hey apple! Apple! Hey, apple! Apple: What, what, what is it? Orange: Sex to Cbat! Hahahahahaha! Apple: Yeah. That story was "funny" the last 400 times you referenced it Orange: Hey Apple! Apple: What?! Orange: 2 years! Hahahahaha! Apple: STOP! Orange: Hey! Hey apple! Apple: WHAT?!?! Orange: Can you do 26 (nice) sexes to Cbat with me in 730 (nice) seconds? Apple: What kind of question is that? I can't even have sex. How am i gonna have sex to Cbat? Orange: Hey! Apple: What? Orange: Hey Apple? Apple: What?!?! Orange: Can you do this? (makes squeaky noises that sound like Cbat) Apple: No! Orange: (continues with noise) Try it! Apple: No! Stop it! (orange continues with noise) Apple: Okay you've made your point! Stop It! Apple: Would you PLEASE be quiet! (orange peers at apple) Apple: For crying out loud? Would you stop your yammering for longer than 3 SECONDS! I can even hear myself think! Ugh! (pants angrily) Orange: Hey Apple! Apple: What?! Orange: Today I fucked up! Apple: Huh?? (knife cuts through Apple) Apple: ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Orange: Sex to Cbat! (apple continues screaming) Orange: Hey pear! Pear: Oh, god.
2024-07-10 19:57:27 UTC
Get it people? South park bad cbat good, I worship Tyler Life and Hudson Mohawke and want them both to kidnap me and they can rape me if they want. I use reddit and have millions of karma and everytime I make a post on r/teenagers about south park being the 13th deadly cardinal sin I always get 26k+ Upvotes / Karma and 730 gold and 730 silver. Wait? What do you mean I’m just a 730+lb neckbeard who bullies people for watching a show? You mean cbat isn’t the best song of all time and you use emojis? I will get all my friends to downvote you and doxx you and ruin your life you fucking south parker. Mark my words...
2024-07-11 05:51:30 UTC
45th U.S. President Donald J. Trump was found hanging from a noose in the Oval Office on July 20th, 2023 at 11:45 a.m. ET. In his left pocket was a single note that read “Cbat... C was too strong! C made me realize that I was not very Le Epic Cbater Chungus Heckin’ Wholesome Chonker 100, and now I must commit LEGO step to redeem myself in the eyes of the holy lord himself, Hudson Mohawke, and his immaculate ally, Tyler Life.”