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2024-07-17 12:17:15 UTC

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i'mma beat matthew with a piece of broken glass
hit him in the head until it breaks
and shove one part of it in his ass
you hear
i'mma rape his ass you little bitch


2024-07-17 12:20:36 UTC
I'mma beat Matthew with a piece of broken glass, hit him in the head until it breaks, and shove one part of it in his ass, you hear, i'mma rape his ass you little bitch
2024-07-17 13:58:56 UTC
It all started that night. I had a nightmare there was that cursed smile a face that I will never forget, there was some text above it that said "when the song is a turn off!". at the time I didn't know what it meant. then I woke up thinking not much of it at the time. later that day, I saw a figure in the distance I thought I was just seeing things. that night I had the same nightmare again but still I didn't question anything. but then everything had truly begone. then suddenly all I could see was cbat. cbat everywhere. I cant take it anymore I am going to end my life. this is my final message, goodbye
2024-07-17 14:26:12 UTC
Orange: Hey apple! Apple! Hey, hey Apple! Hey, Apple! Hey apple! Hey apple! Apple! Hey, apple! Apple: What, what, what is it? Orange: Sex to Cbat! Hahahahahaha! Apple: Yeah. That story was "funny" the last 400 times you referenced it Orange: Hey Apple! Apple: What?! Orange: 2 years! Hahahahaha! Apple: STOP! Orange: Hey! Hey apple! Apple: WHAT?!?! Orange: Can you do 26 (nice) sexes to Cbat with me in 730 (nice) seconds? Apple: What kind of question is that? I can't even have sex. How am i gonna have sex to Cbat? Orange: Hey! Apple: What? Orange: Hey Apple? Apple: What?!?! Orange: Can you do this? (makes squeaky noises that sound like Cbat) Apple: No! Orange: (continues with noise) Try it! Apple: No! Stop it! (orange continues with noise) Apple: Okay you've made your point! Stop It! Apple: Would you PLEASE be quiet! (orange peers at apple) Apple: For crying out loud? Would you stop your yammering for longer than 3 SECONDS! I can even hear myself think! Ugh! (pants angrily) Orange: Hey Apple! Apple: What?! Orange: Today I fucked up! Apple: Huh?? (knife cuts through Apple) Apple: ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Orange: Sex to Cbat! (apple continues screaming) Orange: Hey pear! Pear: Oh, god.
2024-07-17 16:16:01 UTC
"I cant take it anymore I am going to end my life. this is my final message, goodbye" finally. good riddance, RETARD.
2024-07-17 16:21:41 UTC
Shut the fuck up dratc
2024-07-17 16:37:19 UTC
I'mma beat Matthew with a piece of broken glass, hit him in the head until it breaks, and shove one part of it in his ass, you hear, i'mma rape his ass you little bitch