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2024-07-19 19:42:35 UTC

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2024-07-20 19:41:17 UTC
"Google x35iu6" haha "Google x35iu6" HAHA "GOOGLE X35IU6" HAHA GUYS GET IT IT'S SO FUNNY GUYS "GOOGLE X35IU6" NO IT'S NOT FUNNY. NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT FUNNY. I see this stupid joke EVERYWHERE I GO. It's just "google x35iu6". Like HAHAHA it might have been funny the first time, but now it's TOO MUCH. You can't go FIVE MINUTES on Reddit without seeing "google x35iu6" "2 years". Like, I GET IT. We ALL know what cbat is. I don't need to google it. NOBODY needs to google it anymore. So what? If I don't like "google x35iu6" I can just leave Reddit, right? WRONG. "google x35iu6" is EVERYWHERE NOW. I go to one subreddit. I'll see "google x35iu6" "2 years". I go to another. I'll see "google x35iu6" "2 years". I can even go OUTSIDE of reddit, and I'll still see "google x35iu6" "2 years" "my girlfriend hates my sex music". There is NO FUNNY in those sentences. In fact, I'm willing to bet that most of y'all don't even fuck to cbat. You're a bunch of POSERS that are PRETENDING to be smart. I bet you fuck to vocaloid music. I see the posts and all of you are so horribly STUPID. But not even stupid in a funny way. You're just stupid in a non creative way. YOU'RE TOO STUPID TO BE STUPID. Every stupid thing I see on Reddit, I've already seen it before. You don't even need the internet to browse on Reddit, you could just download the 10 or so jokes they have, and you're basically set for life. "google x35iu6", what a bunch of brainrot. Please stop saying "google x35iu6". You're desecrating this intelligent and ancient song with your brainrot.